LED Billboards & Third Party Advertising in Canada

When people think of signs,
billboards are often the most common type of sign that comes to mind.

Digital LED Billboards in Canada are quickly taking the place of static, single ad, “wallpaper-style” billboards, as they host many
rotating advertisements at the same time, generate more revenue and avoid substantial maintenance costs, such as
changing physical materials when one advertising campaign comes to an end.

Brant Avenue, Brantford

V-Shaped Digital Billboard

Most people understand the direct advertising opportunity for businesses who display their ads on billboard, as this is what people see when they drive down the road. Realtors, stores, car dealerships, etc. all directly benefit through displaying their brands, names, locations and quick information about their products and services, thus attracting a wide range of new customers. Billboards typically get millions of impressions per month (and even billions in some locations), as they are located along primary and secondary highways, parkways, and interstates around the world. No doubt they help the companies that they advertise for.

Double-Sided Digital Billboard

What people often don’t think about is how much money billboards can generate for property owners and sign owners alike. Property owners have a lucrative opportunity simply by owning the land space for such a sign. Digital billboards can generate hundreds of thousands of dollars per month simply by providing an advertising medium to those who are interested in their location and the surrounding community.
Wayne gretzky Parkway, Brantford
Delta, Cambridge Ontario

Single-Sided Digital Billboard

The property owner has an immediate choice: Firstly, is to own a billboard independently (solely or with partners) and sell the sign’s ad space to an advertising agency. alternatively if they don’t want to own the sign, they can lease their land to a company or individuals who are interested in installing their billboard sign on someone else’s property in a land lease or rental scenario. Either way, the property owner is in a powerful position, as they can command a stream of revenue from owning a billboard sign, or by leasing their land space. Once a billboard sign and/or land lease is in place, the revenue stream begins to flow. We at Absolute Technology work hard to put these partnerships together. Introducing property owners to billboard owners is how we start building the business relationships needed to make these lucrative projects take shape.

Rooftop Digital Billboard

Additional to building relationships and supplying billboard structures and LED Billboards in Canada, we take care of all other administrative and construction steps as well. We pride ourselves in being the central hub where all the pieces from together, including working closely with ad agencies to sell and manage the ad space and media itself. We take care of the needed sign permits and handle all the project management steps along the way. The cost of an LED billboard sign varies depending on its size, location, and design. However, most signs of this type are relatively affordable as there is a significant amount of revenue generated once installed. If you think you have a suitable property, or want to own a billboard, we are happy to help, answer questions, and provide you with more details.

Clifton hill, Niagra falls, Ontario

Our Expert Team

You can use these sections to highlight the features of heading. Use these paragraphs to focus on the topic you want. Make sure you keep it short, attractive.

Juan George​

Vice President

Sean Hart

Project Leader

Emma Kelly

Creative Director

Contact us today for all your LED Billboards in Canada.

Whether you’re a new or recurring customer, we look forward to hearing from you. Visit our contact page to discuss your project or request a free quote.